
Innovative Educational Research Journal (INNER) is an open access, quick and a double-blind review international scientific journal for the publication of high-quality research covering all aspects of education and education-related topics. The aim and scope of the journal is to publish research articles that are of international significance across educational contexts in terms of design, method, and/or findings.


Publishing Principles and Rules

1. Innovative Educational Research Journal (INNER) is an Open Access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of Open Access. Thus INNER supports “open access” publishing and Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI).
2. Copyrights of the published manuscripts are concerned to the journal. Legal and scientific responsibilities belong to its author(s).
3. Articles representing a range of qualitative, quantitative and mixed research methods are invited. INNER especially gives priority to the papers based on innovative method and using meta-analysis.
4. Submitted manuscripts or substantial portions of them must not have been sent to another journal to be published previously or must not be published in other journals in the future. Otherwise, the author(s) will be responsible for any inconvenience.
5. Quotation can be taken from the articles published in INNER as long as they are referenced.
6. The editorial board will examine and assess the articles which are submitted to the journal and if they don’t meet the aims and objectives of the journal, they will not be taken into consideration.
7. The editorial board WILL NOT make grammatical and spelling alterations in the texts. A manuscript with grammatical and spelling errors will be returned to the author(s).
8. Manuscripts which meet the basic criteria of INNER will be sent to two reviewers for their comments.
9. The final publications of the articles will be decided by the issue editor on the basis of referees’ comments.
10. A manuscript accepted for publication with required corrections, the author(s) must proceed to make the required changes and corrections and return final draft within a time period indicated by the editorial board.
11. The status of the submitted articles can be viewed on the INNER website.
12. There is NO APC for submitting or publishing article sin INNER. It offers TOTALLY FREE submitting process and publication process.
13. The Editor encourages the citation of the papers published in Innovative Educational Research Journal (INNER) so that priority for publication will be given to those authors that use to cite our journal in other ISI journals, in particular the papers published in the previous two years, so as to contribute to a good journal ranking based on the impact factor and article influence score.

Instructions for Authors

  • INNER accepts papers treating problems and issues of education either theoretically or empirically, or both from pre-school education to university level.
  • Text must be justified in a 12-point Times New Roman font with 3 cm margins. All parts of the manuscript (abstract, text, notes, references, tables, and figure captions) must be single-spaced and paginated.
  • Abbreviations can be used within the text according to internationally accepted conventions.
  • Notations should conform to international usage.
  • Authors who present research with empirical observations or numerical data are advised to structure their paper according to APA Style 6. Edition (download APA Style 7. Edition Guide here) within all manuscripts including tables, figures and appendixes (except their headings’ Punto or styles) should be in the scientific format below :

  • 1. Title: The title page should contain the title of paper (max. 20 words), title must include; title case letters, verdana 16pt, bold , running title (optional), names (s) and address (es) of the author (s), the name of the corresponding author along with phone, fax/E-mail information, an abstract, keywords. Information or explanation about the article should be given if the paper or a part of it is a part of a project or submitted in any symposium, conference, congress etc.).
    2. Abstract: 150-250 words including aim, method, main findings and results of the study.
    3. Introduction (without “introduction title): Both background and literature reviews including aim, problems, sub-problems). In APA Style, the Introduction section never gets a heading and headings are not indicated by letters or numbers. Levels of headings will depend upon the length and organization of your paper. Nonetheless, always begin with level one headings and proceed to level two, etc.
    4. Methods/Methodology: This title should include “Research Model/design”, “Population and Sample/working group”, “Data Collecting Instruments”, “Process”, Analyze of Data sub-titles and detailed information about them…
    5. Findings: This section should describe the design of the experiment and the obtained results. All tables, figures, graphs, statistical analyses and sample calculations related to research should be presented under this title.
    6. (Results and) Discussion: The discussion should relate the presented results to those of whose previous own or other studies of different authors and countries, interprets them and draw conclusions. It can outline working hypotheses, theories, and applications.
    7. Conclusion and Recommendations / Suggestions: Author (s) should draw conclusions from the analysis of those results and then make recommendations / suggestions based on the analysis. In short, it is important to tell the readers what the results of this article mean and what actions should be taken because of findings.
    8. References: title 12 pt, verdana, second line is 1 cm insert for each reference, rest of the references should be 11 Punto, both sides justified.
    9. Biographical statement: (10 pt, verdana), Name SURNAME (10 pt, verdana), (Text is times new roman 11pt). Write your bio-statement in an indicated subject to introduce yourself to the scientific community in the world. 1-2 paragraph length, indicates the institutions you worked, educations, subject areas, and others you want to introduce. Give some main keywords you are interested in geographical education etc..
    10. Appendix (if necessary): (10 pt, verdana) if necessary, text is Times New Roman and 11pt…

    The Reviewing and Publishing Process

    Manuscripts submitted to INNER are subject to the following review procedure:

  • Papers submitted to INNER will be checked for plagiarism.
  • Manuscripts leading to plagiarism will be rejected by Editors.
  • Review by the editorial panel in terms of general suitability and aim for the journal.
  • Selected articles are then sent to a double blind review process.
  • Articles are then accepted, revised or rejected on the basis of the recommendations of reviewers.
  • Revised articles are reviewed by the editor, although in some cases they may be referred back to the original reviewer.
  • If one of the reviewer is negative for the manuscript, it is sent to a third reviewer or the editor can review it in order to make a decision.
  • Each author of approved papers for the publication should fill out, print, sign, scan and send to the “copyright form” to the editor via their own e-mails.

  • Copyright

  • All responsibility of statements and opinions expressed in the articles is upon their authors.
  • In accordance with copyright law, the manuscript must be previously unpublished and not duplicate substantial portions of previously published material.
  • Permission to reproduce copyright material must be obtained by the authors before submission and any acknowledgments should be included in the submission.
  • Acknowledgment of source and copyright should be given in cases where photographs, data and media are reproduced.
  • Author (s) must transfer all financial rights, especially processing, reproduction, representation, printing, distribution, and online transmittal, to INNER with no limitation whatsoever via fill out, print, sign, scan and send the COPYRIGHT Form to INNER editor by their own e-mail addresses.

  • Right Policy

    Copyright and publishing rights remain with the author/s of the article/s. All articles published in the journal can be re-used under the following CC license: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

    Yayıncı / Publisher: Prof. Dr. Eyüp ARTVİNLİ