
Innovative Educational Research Journal (INNER) is an open access, quick and a double-blind review international scientific journal for the publication of high-quality research covering all aspects of education and education-related topics. The aim and scope of the journal is to publish research articles that are of international significance across educational contexts in terms of design, method, and/or findings.

Editorial Team


Prof. Dr. Eyüp ARTVİNLİ/ Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Faculty of Education, TURKIYE. For more info and CV of him click here.

Technical Editor

Doç. Dr. Z. Fatih İNEÇ / Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University, Faculty of Education, TURKIYE. For more info and CV of him click here.


Editorial Board

Doç. Dr.Eren Can AYBEK /Pamukkale University, TURKIYE

Prof. Dr. Simon CATLING (E) / Oxford Brookes University, UK

Prof. Dr. Norm CATTO / Memorial University, CANADA

Prof. Dr. Hilmi DEMİRKAYA / Akdeniz University, TURKIYE

Prof. Dr. Gürcü ERDAMAR / Gazi University, TURKIYE

Prof. Dr. Yoshiyasu IDA / Tsukuba University, JAPAN

Prof. Dr. Oana-Ramona ILOVAN / Babeş-Bolyai University /ROMANIA

Doç. Dr. Z. Fatih İNEÇ/ Erzincan B.Y. University, TURKIYE

Dr. Tino JOHANSSON / Helsinki University, FINLAND

Prof. Dr. Macid MELEKOĞLU / Eskişehir Osmangazi University, TURKIYE

Dr. Clinton David Van Der MERWE / Pretoria University, SOUTH AFRICA

Doç. Dr. Elsa M. T. PACHECO / Porto University, PORTUGAL

Doç. Dr. Cristiano PESARESI / Sapienza University, Roma, ITALY

Prof. Dr. Danuta PIRÓG / Kraków Pedagogical University, POLOND

Prof. Dr. Tatjana Resnik PLANINC / Ljubljana University, SLOVENIA

Dr. Jesus Granados SÁNCHEZ / Girona University, İSPANYA

Prof. Dr. Emilia SARNO / Online Pegaso University, ITALY

Prof. Dr. Mustafa SÖZBİLİR/Erzurum Atatürk University, TURKIYE

Prof. Dr. Witold WILCZYŃSKI / Kraków Pedagogical University, POLAND

Language Editor (Turkish)

Dr. Aliye Nur ERCAN GÜVEN / Eskişehir Osmangazi University, TURKIYE

Editorial Assistants

R. Assist. Leyla DÖNMEZ / Eskişehir Osmangazi University, TURKIYE

R. Assist. Z. Melis DEMİR / Eskişehir Osmangazi University, TURKIYE